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If elected as Chair of the Brevard Republican Executive Committee, I am committed ​to working tirelessly to uphold the Constitution, prioritize our Conservative values, ​and safeguard our freedoms. I will strive to ensure that our principles guide every ​decision and that our voices are effectively represented in all matters of governance. ​Together, we can reinforce the foundation of our great nation and advance the cause ​of liberty and justice for all.

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About the candidate

Karen is a passionate American patriot. She proudly serves as the District 4 Vice ​Chair for precinct 409 of the Brevard Republican Executive Committee and is ​an active member of Brevard County Moms for America. She was a highly ​involved campaign Captain for DeSantis '22, a dedicated advocate for parents ​and students at Brevard Public Schools, a current Trump Campaign volunteer ​(Volunteer of the Month for February), and a staunch defender of our 2nd ​Amendment rights.

Brevard Republican Executive Committee Candidate Karen Colby of the ​Republican Party of Florida is a lifelong Florida Republican voter. Having raised ​six children in Brevard, she has watched the county grow over the years. Her ​determination to restore our great country has only grown stronger with the ​birth of her first Grandchild. Chairman Candidate Karen Colby is a ​Constitutional, Christian Conservative.


As a hard working volunteer for the Trump Campaign, I achieved the top ​spot in phone banking for the month of February. I received an official ​certificate and signed hat from President Trump for my work.

As a top volunteer, I was formally invited to attend President Trump’s Super ​Tuesday preview special at Mar-a-Lago on March 4th, 2024. Additionally, I ​was invited back the following day for the Super Tuesday Election Night ​Watch Party also held at Mar-a-Lago on March 5th, 2024.

We host Flag Waves every Friday from 5 PM to 7 PM at the BP Gas Station located at the ​beachside corner of Eau Gallie Causeway and South Patrick Drive. If you don’t have a flag, we ​have extras available for you.

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POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT PAID FOR AND APPROVED BY KAren colby, for brevard REPUBLICAn executive committee chair